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- Jodi Jr Consumer Model Vacuum
Jodi Jr Consumer Model Vacuum
Product Code: JODIJR
- Easy-to-use, economical, portable electronic vacuum designed for home use by patients to clean debris from hearing instruments (consumer model)
- Simple ON/OFF switch operation
- 18 in. Hg of pulling power sufficient to effectively clean hearing instrument ports
- Small desktop transformer measures approximately 4.25"L, 2"H x 3"D
- 100-240V, 50/60Hz
- Attached tubing is coiled and may be extended to approximately 2 foot reach
- Filter replaceable after approximately 6 months of home use
- One year warranty for consumer use, 3 month warranty for professional use; needles and filters not included in warranty

- (1) Jodi Jr desk transformer (black box) with attached light blue tubing & tubing assembly
- (1) Needle reamer
- (1) 20 gauge 1/2" suction needle (pink)*
- (1) Single Power Cord System
*NOTE: replacement suction needle will not be the same color as original but will be the same gauge
Replacement Parts:
- 6 pack of filters (clear) (Item# JODIFILTER)
- 6 pack of specialty milled needles (Item# JODINEEDLES)
- Blue connector piece (Item# JODICONNECTOR)
- 20 gauge 1/2" suction needle (yellow) only (Item# 5120-B)*
- Reamer for pink, black, amber, orange, and brown suction needles (Item# JODIREAMER)
NOTE: replacement 20 gauge 1/2" suction needle (yellow) is a different color than the original pink suction needle packaged with the JodiJr but is the same gauge